Close Powershell Window After Script Runs
Close Powershell Window After Script Runs Away
Griffethbarker wrote:Do I just insert them directly like so? $computername = read-host 'Enter name of computer'$usernameinfo = read-host 'Enter username'copy-item '$computernamec$UsersDesktop$usernameinfo' -Path 'fs1$usernameinfo$DesktopBackup' -Force -RecursePretty much. However, you can pull both of these values from the variables $env:username and $env:computername, assuming the user running the script is the one you want to back up. $env.computername will work as long as the computer the script is running on is the one you want to get the value for.
How to force close the powershell.exe console after script completion. I suspect this may be causing my console window to stay open at the end of my script run. I also am launching my script from C# and need the call to Invoke that I am using to execute the script to return so that I can take the output of the script and do some stuff on it. Windows Server How-To. How To Automatically Run PowerShell Scripts at a Scheduled Time. The trick is to getting your run prompt to run correctly in the Windows Task Scheduler. Get the CMD.exe Window to close. Do you ever have a bat or cmd file that you have written to do something like update a config file then launch a application or process, and have it fail to close the cmd window after it completes even with the “EXIT” command placed at the end of script?